What we’re about
Our members paddle, bike, walk and hike. Whatever there is to do outdoors under our own power is what we do.
This is a PARTICIPATORY outdoors meetup group. No one person does it all. Any member can plan and host events in accord with their interests. Please join us with the idea of pitching in with one event a year and enjoy with the rest of us a full calendar of opportunities to get outside with like-minded souls. When you’re ready to plan your very own event and invite others to join you, let the Organizer know.
This group's Organizer fees are financed with small donations from its members ($10 per year is suggested). There are three ways to donate:
A) Mail to Ron Haines. (Send him a message first to get the correct address)
B) Paypal via this link, https://paypal.me/ronaldhaines .
C) Pay the Organizer at an event.
Upcoming events (4)
See all- Anyone up north in July? Let's bike and/or kayak Presque Isle-Lake Erie in PAPresque Isle State Park, Erie, PA
Road trip - beat the heat!
Let's bike and/or kayak Presque Isle-lake Erie 16mi flat pedal- with 1 hour paddle option.
I am staying overnight at the Candlewood Suites in Erie. We can meet there at 6pm in lobby then go out for dinner at 630 for dinner for those who are interested. I reserved 8 rooms and only need 1. Cancellable until June 1. $174 a night with taxes, email me if you want one njriverman@yahoo.com. The hotel has free parking and the Suites have kitchens but breakfast is on your own. Hotels with breakfast were 200+.
The next day we will bike 9 miles, then there is the opportunity to kayak or canoe for 1 hours. Then we bike about 7 miles and stop for ice cream and food, I guess I should say food then ice cream lol.See 81 photos from this last year at Rails to Trails Bike Trips FACEBOOK
https://www.facebook.com/share/p/3UHeKz9giNW93KNA/?mibextid=oFDknkCost to kayak $20 for 1 hour in single or $30 in a tandem. http://www.presqueisleboatrental.com/kayaks.html
Of course you may bring your own.Here is map from last year. we will cut out hill at beginning and end by starting in park, not outside, https://ridewithgps.com/trips/198269333
I booked 8 rooms only need 1. email me if you want one njriverman@yahoo.com Of course you may book your own directly if you prefer but rate has gone up.
TO SEE ALL RSVPS Q and A and notices please also RSVP at https://www.meetup.com/funbiketrips/events/302369670/Do you like to bike trails?
Be sure to join Rails To Trails USA Bike Adventures FACEBOOK over 13000 members!Do you want information as we add additional biking or kayaking multiple day events? Sign up below to get first offerings.
Signup for Fun Biking Trips Anywhere Newsletter: https://vr2.verticalresponse.com/s/websitesignupform40681930231007
Double opt in, check your email and or spam right away to confirm. Some email serves put in spam.
Your RSVP here is non binding, it just gets this event on your calendar. There is no event fee, but you pay your own, room and food etc.