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What we’re about

Our members paddle, bike, walk and hike.  Whatever there is to do outdoors under our own power is what we do.   

This is a PARTICIPATORY outdoors meetup group.  No one person does it all.  Any member can plan and host events in accord with their interests.  Please join us with the idea of pitching in with one event a year and enjoy with the rest of us a full calendar of opportunities to get outside with like-minded souls. When you’re ready to plan your very own event and invite others to join you, let the Organizer know. 

This group's Organizer fees are financed with small donations from its members ($10 per year is suggested).  There are three ways to donate:
A) Mail to Ron Haines.  (Send him a message first to get the correct address)
B) Paypal via this link, .
C) Pay the Organizer at an event.

Upcoming events (4)

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