What we’re about
Hi! Welcome to the PassionClass.co LA Classes Group. We're a group committed to helping each other enter the next step of our careers and lives. We specialize in speakers in:
- Personal Development, such as self-esteem, self-improvement, and living well.
- Professional Development, such as resumes and job skill skills.
- Technology (with a focus on beginner's level computer science / web development).
Please join us if you have an interest! All of our events are 100% free!
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- Network event3 attendees from 3 groups hostingLiteratur auf Englisch für Deutsch-MuttersprachlerLink visible for attendees
Eine Reise in "the Gilded Age"
Willkommen bei "The Great Gatsby", einem sprachbasierten Kurs, der sich um F. Scott Fitzgeralds Klassiker der amerikanischen Literatur dreht. Meine PassionClass wurde für Nicht-Muttersprachler auf einem B1-B2-Niveau entwickelt und bietet eine fesselnde, konversationsbasierte Erkundung der Handlung, der Charaktere, der Themen und des historischen Kontexts des Romans. Jede Woche werden wir uns mit (ungefähr) einem Kapitel befassen und sinnvolle Gespräche fördern, um das Verständnis und die Sprachkenntnisse zu verbessern.
Wer sollte sich anmelden?
Ich interessiere mich für amerikanische Literatur und freue mich darauf, mit Ihnen das Gilded Age und Fitzgerald zu erkunden. Wir werden den Text gemeinsam im Unterricht lesen, so dass Sie sich nicht vorbereiten müssen, es sei denn, Sie möchten es. Ich erwarte, dass ich wichtige Absätze lese und sie dann in kleinere Teile zerlege, um ihre Bedeutung zu erklären. Teilnehmer*innen, die damit nicht vertraut sind, werden hoffentlich nicht nur ein solides Verständnis der Handlung erlangen, sondern durch unseren Diskurs auch ihre Sprachkenntnisse und ihr Verständnis für den historischen Kontext von New York im Gilded Age verbessern. Es ist kein umfangreiches Hintergrundwissen (oder formelle Kleidung!) erforderlich – bringen Sie einfach Ihre Neugier und die Bereitschaft mit, sich mit diesem Klassiker auseinanderzusetzen.
Holen Sie sich eine kostenlose Version des Buches
Den Text können Sie hier kostenlos online abrufen: https://ia801801.us.archive.org/15/items/the-great-gatsby_202101/TheGreatGatsby.pdf
Our Class Sessions
Mein Ansatz legt Wert auf eine entspannte Atmosphäre, die sicherstellt, dass alle Teilnehmer, unabhängig von ihren Sprachkenntnissen, bequem an Diskussionen teilnehmen können. Ich hoffe, dass unsere Diskussionen zum Nachdenken anregen und Sie die Gelegenheit haben, Ihre Einsichten und Perspektiven auf die Figuren und Ereignisse innerhalb des Romans zu teilen. Ich plane es.Dieser Kurs bietet Nicht-Muttersprachlern die Möglichkeit, ihre Sprachkenntnisse und analytischen Fähigkeiten zu verbessern und gleichzeitig Fitzgeralds sozialen Kommentar in "Der große Gatsby" aufzudecken. Begleiten Sie uns auf eine Reise durch die Seiten dieses literarischen Klassikers, bei dem der Schwerpunkt auf Verständnis und Wertschätzung liegt, was ihn zu einem idealen Kurs für alle macht, die die fesselnde Welt von Gatsby und das Gilded Age erkunden möchten.
Vielen Dank!
A Journey into "The Gilded Age"Welcome to "The Great Gatsby," a language-based course centered on F. Scott Fitzgerald’s classic of American literature. My PassionClass is designed for non-native speakers at a B1-B2 level and offers an engaging, conversation-based exploration of the plot, characters, themes, and historical context of the novel. Each week, we will focus on one chapter, encouraging meaningful discussions to improve understanding and language skills.
Who should sign up?
I’m passionate about American literature & look forward to exploring the Gilded Age & Fitzgerald with you. We will read the text together in class, so no preparation is required unless you’d like to. I plan to read important passages & break them down into smaller parts to explain their meaning. Participants unfamiliar with the text will hopefully gain a solid understanding of the plot while improving their language skills & understanding of the historical context of New York in the Gilded Age through our discussions. No extensive background knowledge (or formal attire!) is needed—just bring your curiosity and willingness to engage with this classic.
Get a free version of the book
You can access the text for free online here: The Great Gatsby
Our Class Sessions
My approach focuses on a relaxed atmosphere, ensuring that all participants, regardless of their language proficiency, feel comfortable engaging in discussions. I hope our conversations will provoke thought, and you will have the opportunity to share your insights and perspectives on the characters and events in the novel.This course offers non-native speakers the chance to improve their language skills and analytical abilities while uncovering Fitzgerald’s social commentary in The Great Gatsby. Join us on a journey through the pages of this literary classic, with a focus on understanding and appreciation, making it an ideal course for anyone interested in exploring the captivating world of Gatsby and the Gilded Age.
The class will take place here - https://www.passionclass.co/en/sample-class/literatur-auf-englisch
Full class available here - https://www.passionclass.co/de/class/englisch-lernen-b1-b2
EventBrite link - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/literatur-auf-englisch-fur-deutsch-muttersprachler-tickets-1131521835269?aff=oddtdtcreator - Network event5 attendees from 3 groups hostingIntermediate/Advanced German Conversation ClassLink visible for attendees
Hallo! Looking to take your German speaking skills to the next level? Our Intermediate/Advanced German Conversation Class is perfect for learners who want to sharpen their fluency, expand their vocabulary, and practice speaking in real-life situations. This class will help you gain confidence and express yourself more naturally in German.
In this class, you can expect engaging conversations on a variety of topics, from current events to cultural discussions. You'll participate in interactive activities designed to improve your speaking, listening, and comprehension skills, all in a supportive and fun environment. Whether you're preparing for a trip, advancing your career, or simply want to sound more fluent, this class will help you get there.
By joining, you’ll enhance your ability to hold longer conversations, improve your grammar and pronunciation, and deepen your understanding of the language. Plus, it's a great opportunity to connect with fellow learners who share your passion for German. Get ready to have fun while advancing your language skills!
The class will take place here - https://www.passionclass.co/en/sample-class/learn-german-online
Full class available here - https://www.passionclass.co/en/class/practice-speaking-german
EventBrite link - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/intermediateadvanced-german-conversation-class-tickets-1131535606459?aff=oddtdtcreatorAuf Wiedersehen!
- Network event3 attendees from 3 groups hostingSpanish Conversation ClassLink visible for attendees
## Welcome to Our Spanish Conversation Class
In this class, you'll enhance your Spanish fluency through engaging discussions and practical exercises. We'll focus on expanding your vocabulary, mastering complex phrases, and fine-tuning your pronunciation. By participating in stimulating conversations, you’ll gain confidence and improve your speaking skills in a supportive environment. An intermediate to advanced (conversational+) understanding of Spanish is required; come ready to dive deeper into the language!
## Enjoy Learning Together
You'll have the chance to connect with fellow language enthusiasts, share experiences, and build a community of learners. This class is designed to be both educational and enjoyable, fostering a space where you can practice without pressure. By the end of the session, you’ll feel more comfortable conversing in Spanish and gain insights into the nuances of the language.
## Join Us!
Sign up for our "Spanish Conversation Class" and take your fluency to the next level. By the end of the session, you’ll have sharpened your skills and gained the confidence to engage in more complex conversations. We look forward to seeing you and helping you unlock new opportunities in your language journey!
The class will take place here - https://www.passionclass.co/en/sample-class/spanish-conversation
Full class available here - https://www.passionclass.co/en/class/practice-my-spanish
EventBrite link - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/spanish-conversation-class-tickets-1131542146019?aff=oddtdtcreator - Network event3 attendees from 3 groups hostingHomer's OdysseyLink visible for attendees
Join us for an epic adventure through one of the greatest works of world literature, Homer’s Odyssey.
In this class, we’ll dive deep into the ancient world and explore the texts of this world classic to uncover what it meant for the Greeks.
You’ll follow the heroic journey of Odysseus as he faces mythical creatures, gods, and challenges on his quest to return home. Together, we’ll analyze key passages to explore themes of courage, loyalty, and perseverance, and discuss how Greek mythology and culture shaped this epic poem.
Along the way, we’ll also examine how The Odyssey still influences modern storytelling today.
This class is perfect for anyone interested in world literature, mythology, or ancient history, and for readers who love adventure on the page. Whether you're a seasoned reader or new to the classics, you’ll experience the excitement, mystery, and significance of ancient Greece.
The class will take place here - https://www.passionclass.co/en/video-conference/homers-odyssey
Full class available here - https://www.passionclass.co/en/class/homers-odyssey
EventBrite link - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/homers-odyssey-tickets-1131546840059?aff=oddtdtcreator
Past events (65)
See all- Network event5 attendees from 3 groups hostingHow to Study Abroad in Europe as an American/Canadian (almost) for FreeThis event has passed