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What we’re about

This heart-centered group is for anyone seeking community and support in their spiritual awakening and rapid expansion to unity consciousness.

For each individual, the remembering is unique. However, the awakening experience is the same, you come to know yourself as an aspect of Source, the love of all there is. - Jewel Nelson

Each meeting consists of an empowering topic, a love intention, reflection, and a shared conversation designed to entrain to love (absence of fear).

When a group of like-minded souls gathers with the intention to love, a powerful higher consciousness emerges, leading to an exponential expansion of the energetic field and life-changing personal transformation.

Making new friends and having fun at both in-person and online events, you will gain support in a high-vibrational community on your journey toward embodying your fullest human potential, the perfect love of self.

Your host, author, and life coach Jewel Nelson created and teaches lovefulness; GRACE—gratitude, reflection, awareness, choice, and expression—to cultivate love, our Divine inheritance and innate natural state. Her mission is to help others to love themselves and experience a finer life. Her intention is to love.

Jewel's books include Create Cate, Harry Body, See and Lovefulness: Playbook for a Finer Life.

World-renowned channel Elliott Eli Jackson acclaimed Jewel's book --- “Lovefulness: Playbook for a Finer Life will open your eyes and your mind to new possibilities. Jewel has tapped into universal truths. I highly recommend it to all spiritual seekers.”

Jewel has been trained directly by Mike Dooley (NY Times bestselling author of Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreams) and is a Certified Infinite Possibilities Trainer & Mentor in the Art of Changing Your Life. Infinite Possibilities Trainers believe that everyone is special, that every life is meaningful, and that we’re all here to make a difference and to learn that dreams do come true. We also believe that “thoughts become things” and that imagination and intention are the gifts that bring love, health, abundance, and joy into our lives.

Jewel has been personally trained by Lynne McTaggart one of the world’s top 100 spiritual leaders for her ground-breaking work with consciousness and the power of intention. She participated in the yearlong Intention Experience Masterclass based on Lynne's bestselling book The Power of Eight, about the miraculous power of group intention and its boomerang effect.

Her website is Her books are available on Amazon.

Call Jewel at (612) 961-9354 or email to learn more.

“As you give, so shall you receive,” free will donation for The Love Intention, A Spiritual Awakening Support Group events in the amount you choose to give is kindly accepted. Cash at the venue or electronic offerings via Venmo @JewelNelson-Loveful.

Want More?
For life coaching, call Jewel at (612) 961-9354 or email to learn more.

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