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What we’re about

Welcome to our Oxford-based book club! The aim of our group is for making friends in the local area who share an interest in literature, and sharing our love of books. We read one voted-for book a month and meet up to discuss it over a drink.
We decide on a theme for the book each month in order to keep the book choices diverse. If you sign up for one of the actual book club meetings, please do aim to have finished the book by the Meetup, as we do always try to have a proper discussion about it! You can also still attend if you haven’t managed to finish the book, as long as you’re prepared to discuss it! :)

We also try to arrange other book related social events periodically, which often includes group visits to bookshops near and far; book festival events, book talks, or visits to watch book adaptations in other media such as plays and films, as and when such relevant things can be found.

We are now also on Goodreads:

Note on join requests:
- Please make sure you have a profile picture as this is a group that meets in person and it helps us to look out for you when you attend an event. Your picture must be clear and show you in it.
- Similarly, having a clear first name helps us to greet you!
*If you don’t meet these criteria, you may not be accepted.*

Note on RSVPs: as we have a set limited number of spaces for most of our events, please do get in contact or amend your RSVP as soon as possible if you’re no longer able to attend, as this gives others the chance to use the spot. This is particularly important with the book discussions, as it gives people on the waitlist time to read the book. Anyone who RSVPs and then doesn’t show up several times in a row without getting in contact to let me know that they aren’t coming, may automatically be moved to the ‘Not attending’ list for future events, unless they let me know that they will actually be coming. This policy is to try and make things fair for everyone and allow others to use the available spaces on the ‘attending’ list. Similarly, those who frequently RSVP but have never shown up to an event (eg frequently changing RSVP at last minute) may also eventually be removed at the discretion of the organisers.