What we’re about
Have you experienced intuition, dreams of flying, or déjà vu? Have you always felt there was something more? Are you looking for inner peace and wisdom?
The purpose of this Meetup group is to provide a common meeting ground for all who have had, or would like to have, a life-changing spiritual experience.
Other goals of this Meetup group are to help people
• validate and gain insight into their own spiritual experiences,
• understand what their experiences really mean,
• learn new and advanced ways of exploring their inner worlds.
This Meetup group, sponsored by Eckankar in Arizona, is a spiritual resource for people of all faiths and beliefs. Eckankar is the Path of Spiritual Freedom. It is an individual, creative practice to experience and explore past lives, dreams, and Soul Travel.
Meetup-group activities may include
• spiritual-exploration classes,
• Sound of Soul events,
• ECK Light and Sound Services.
For more on the resources offered by Eckankar, the Path of Spiritual Freedom, visit www.Eckankar.org. For classes and events, visit www.EckankarArizona.org or email info@eckankararizona.org.
The opinions expressed in this site are those of the writers and not necessarily those of ECKANKAR or the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master, Sri Harold Klemp.
Copyright © 2022 ECKANKAR. All rights reserved. The terms ECKANKAR, ECK, EK, MAHANTA, SOUL TRAVEL, and VAIRAGI, among others, are trademarks of ECKANKAR, PO Box 2000, Chanhassen, MN 55317-2000 USA.
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- Ignite Your Spiritual GrowthLink visible for attendees
Experience HU, the Sound of Soul
WELCOME TO ALL! Free Online Zoom Event
You are warmly invited to Experience the Sound of Soul!
In this special Eckankar event, guests are welcomed as friends to experience a 15–20-minute HU Chant followed by relaxed authentic spiritual conversation. Enjoy the chance to share your experiences, ask questions, and chant with other spiritual adventurers.
What is HU?
HU is a sacred sound and ancient mantra. It is an ancient name for God that has been sung for thousands of years in many lands for spiritual unfoldment.
HU can uplift people of any religion, culture, or walk of life. For further information about the HU, visit: www.TheSoundofSoul.org. or
Sound of Soul in ArizonaRegister in advance for this meeting by Clicking HERE.
If you would like more information about the event, contact Welcome@EckankarArizona.org; 1-877-300-4949
Presented by Arizona Satsang Society, Inc., A Chartered Affiliate of ECKANKAR. www.EckankarArizona.org
What is a Spiritual Discussion?
ECKANKAR, The Path of Spiritual Freedom www.Eckankar.org
- Online Book discussion on “The Joy of Living”Link visible for attendees
You are warmly invited to attend a free online book discussion based on excerpts from the book “The Joy of Living”, by Harold Klemp.
February’s class will focus on chapter 1, “Doing Our Part.”
“You and I, we do the best we can. Because we’re drawing on this creative element that’s inside us, which is God-given. Creating—just creating.”
– Harold Klemp, The Joy of Living, p. 2No need to have the book to participate – you’re always welcome! Yet if interested, the book is available through EckBooks.org or Amazon.
I would love to see you there and hear what you’d like to share!
Warmest regards,
FacilitatorRegister in advance for this meeting by clicking below. https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUldOCtqDMqH9IJxJhbroRUH5F3NtbpERhd
If you would like more information about the event, contact: Guest Services Welcome@EckankarArizona.org , 1-877-300-4949
Presented by Arizona Satsang Society, Inc., A Chartered Affiliate of ECKANKAR. www.EckankarArizona.org
What is a Spiritual Discussion?
ECKANKAR, The Path of Spiritual Freedom www.Eckankar.org
- Replacing Fear with LoveHoliday Inn Hotel & Suites Phoenix Airport, Phoenix, AZ
You are warmly invited to attend a free in-person ECK Light and Sound Service on
Replacing Fear with Love.
“It’s our attitude —the way we look at things—that often determines whether we are happy or miserable, whether we are full of love or full of fear.”
—Harold Klemp, The Secret of Love, p.29The ECK Light and Sound Service is a celebration of God’s love for Soul. This uplifting event is open to all who wish to connect to the divine aspect within. You will hear insightful stories and experience the sacred sound of HU, which can open your heart to divine love, healing, inner guidance, and your own experience of the spiritual Light and Sound.
Yourself as Soul – a Spark of God
Eternal, Unlimited, DivineCONNECT
With the Most Sacred Part of YourselfEXPERIENCE
The Sacred Sound of HU for Guidance, Healing, LoveYou’re invited to enjoy fellowship after the service.
If you have any questions, contact:
Welcome@EckankarArizona.org; 1-877-300-4949Presented by the Arizona Satsang Society, Inc., A Chartered Affiliate of ECKANKAR in Arizona www.EckankarArizona.org
ECKANKAR, The Path of Spiritual Freedom www.eckankar.org
- How to Enliven Every Aspect of Your LifeFountain Hills Community Center, Fountain Hills, AZ
Access the God-Current with HU, ancient mantra
WELCOME TO ALL! Free in-person event
You are warmly invited to Experience the Sound of Soul!In this special Eckankar event, you will experience a 15-20 minute HU Chant followed by relaxed authentic spiritual conversation. Enjoy the chance to share your experiences, ask questions, and chant with other spiritual adventurers.
What is HU?
HU is a sacred sound and ancient mantra. It is an ancient name for God that has been sung for thousands of years in many lands for spiritual unfoldment.
HU can uplift people of any religion, culture, or walk of life. For further information about the HU, visit: www.TheSoundofSoul.org.
If you would like more information about the event, contact: Welcome@EckankarArizona.org; 1-877-300-4949
Presented by Arizona Satsang Society, Inc., A Chartered Affiliate of ECKANKAR. www.EckankarArizona.org
What is a Spiritual Discussion?https://www.eckankararizona.org/activities/spiritual-discussion-classes/
ECKANKAR, The Path of Spiritual Freedom www.Eckankar.org