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What we’re about

Welcome to The Outsiders! We are a camping group that does hiking, biking, paddling, backpacking and more. We welcome all skill levels, beginners and experienced alike, but do be aware of certain physical requirements for strenuous activities.

We are South Florida based but our trips take place throughout the state and we hope to venture further in the future. Our members are located throughout Florida and beyond. We are mostly tent campers but all styles of camping are welcome provided the campground can accommodate them.

For most camping events you will need to book your own reservation or find someone to share a site. Each member is responsible for bringing their own gear and food. This allows you to control your own experience and keeps costs low. We do not charge for events unless the organizer has to pay for the venue, for example reserving a group site. Missing a piece of equipment? Ask. We may be able to loan or rent it to you for a small fee.

Join our Facebook group The Outsiders.

We look forwarding to meeting you on our next big adventure!