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What we’re about

Welcome to Second Wind Adventures! Encouraging friendships and building community by enjoying events and activities together. We are a group of mature adults (some events such as Paint and Sip are open to all ages.) We keep events small enough to encourage conversation and connection.

Our events include: Brunches etc, bowling and other active events, paint and sip, games, trivia, and a variety of other events. The events span Metro Vancouver and at least initially will not be focused on downtown, but rather providing opportunities for people who may not be keen about going downtown.

NO MEMBERSHIP FEES until we reach 35 members. Thereafter Membership will be $10 annually and NOT AUTOMATED. (Details of future membership fees at the bottom of this page.)

·       APPLY TO JOIN:  Once approved (within 48 hours or less) you will receive an email stating you have been approved and you will be able to RSVP. Membership Dues will apply after this group reaches 35 members and will apply to all members as explained above.
·       NO-SHOWS & CANCELLATIONS (except emergencies**) 2 no-shows or repeated last-minute cancellations** (less than 24 hrs), or failure to attend at least one event every 6 months, may result in being removed from the group.

  • Recognition: Use your real name not a nickname. Provide a clear, close up, unobstructed photo – no sunglasses, other people or hats etc.  This is for safety, but also to help the organizers identify group members, and build relationships. Think about it this way, if you went missing on a hike would the photo help search and rescue. If not, then it isn’t good enough.
  • Membership Application & Respect: Not everyone is a good fit, we reserve the right to approve or decline membership to encourage a cohesive group.  Please respect organizers and other members. We reserve the right to remove anyone from the group if they are disruptive or disrespectful. This is not a business networking group. No marketing allowed.
  • Turn on your Notifications & Emails: Organizers and event coordinators who plan events are Volunteers we require a way of contacting you in case of changes to events you are attending. Keep your RSVP updated.   ONLY sign up for an event if you are sure you can attend it. If you do RSVP and your plans change, please change your RSVP immediately to open the space for those on the wait list. If you are on the wait list check for updates. If you are moved from the Wait list to Attending and do not attend it counts as a “No Show”.
  • We appreciate suggestions for events and venues.

Members attend events at their own discretion. By attending you assume full responsibility for your personal safety and well-being, both during and after the event. Please drink responsibly. Do not Drink and Drive.
The host/group/organizer(s) are hereby released from any and all liabilities, obligations, and responsibilities towards attendees, both now and in perpetuity.
By joining and/or RSVPing to any event, you are acknowledging that you have read and understood the terms of this waiver and agree to abide by them.

This is a not for profit group. We intend to grow the membership and the number of organizers and number of events. Membership fees cover the $500+ in fees the Organizer pays to Meetup. We reserve the right to raise the amount charged in Membership fees upon 3 months notice.
Annual Membership: NO MEMBERSHIP FEES until we reach 35 members. A fee of $10 for 6 months or $15 for one year payable by e-transfer or cash will apply. Cash is accepted if your first event is booked to an event where the Lead Organizer is the Host.
NEW MEMBERS: Membership Dues will be payable by e-transfer (preferred) or by Paypal for those who prefer to pay by Credit Card. This does not require you to have a Paypal account. If you are attending an event hosted by Kristi, you can pay membership dues at your first event by "cash".
Membership Dues will be due on the anniversary of your initial payment. You will be sent a reminder two weeks in advance. If payment of dues are not paid, your ability to RSVP will be turned off. Your gratitude and appreciation of our efforts makes it worth it, to organizers.

Upcoming events (4+)

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