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What we’re about

Did you grow up in a culture that was different from your parents’ and/or your country of nationality? Did you live in multiple countries as a kid, and move to a new school every few years? Sometimes feel like an outsider to the culture you’re currently living in? Hard to answer the question “where are you from?”

If you answered yes to any of these questions then you’re probably a “Third Culture Kid” and this group is for you.

This is an attempt to gather those of us who were shaped by growing up in other countries and cultures, and now find ourselves in the NC Research Triangle area. The goal is to build friendships, have conversations about our experiences, and have a sense of camaraderie and companionship with others who share a similar worldview and life experience.

Once we have a critical mass of members, we’ll organize some informal in-person gatherings, perhaps monthly, over coffee, drinks, or a meal. Join to indicate your interest, and message the organizer if you have questions or suggestions about when/where to meet!

Note - this group is for adults, despite the “kids” part of the Third Culture Kids title, which refers to our international childhoods, not our current age. 😄

Some other resources about Third Culture Kids:

Upcoming events (1)

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