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What we’re about

Promoting – Building – Maintaining
Triangle Off-Road Cyclists (TORC) is a nonprofit volunteer organization (501) (C) (3) dedicated to safeguarding the future of mountain biking in the Triangle area of North Carolina through the promotion of responsible riding, establishment and maintenance of mountain biking trails, and preservation of North Carolina’s natural resources.
TORC is the Triangle area chapter of Southern Off-Road Bicycle Association (SORBA) and was founded in August 2005. Prior to TORC’s formation, the Triangle’s mountain bike community had been served by individual mountain bike clubs whose focus was limited to a specific trail network. TORC was formed to unify the region’s smaller clubs into a stronger voice for local mountain bikers.
Thank you for those that have joined.  TORC is becoming a stronger and stronger influence within the Triangle NC area.  The bigger our numbers and the larger pool of leaders and volunteers to draw from, directly means more success in our area for more trails and happier land managers/owners.  Please look at the big picture for our local mountain bike advocacy efforts and join and volunteer to help.                        
If you haven’t already joined, for as little as $39 a year you could be a member of TORC, SORBA and the International Mountain Biking Association (IMBA). Visit


An important part of promoting the sport of mountain biking is extending a welcome to everybody who is enthusiastic and interested in the sport. We offer rides, clinics, and events to accommodate people with all skill levels and the advancement of off-road cycling throughout the Triangle.


We schedule trail workdays throughout the year to build new trail or maintain existing singletrack. Check our events calendar and volunteer at a trail near you! Trail workdays are essential events for TORC and the local mountain biking community at large. They ensure new trail gets built, existing trail remains sustainable, and that we maintain strong relationships with local public and private land managers.



TORC’s races are a great way to meet other local mountain bikers and compete.  TORC holds several races per year. Each race usually has multiple categories, so that you can compete with others at your skill level as individuals or as a team.


New trail development (and maintenance of existing trails) is important to the preservation of open space and encourages a healthy lifestyle for bikers of all ages. As dedicated stewards of the environment, TORC employs the International Mountain Biking Association’s (IMBA) trail-building best practices.


TORC has built strong relationships with Park and Recreation Departments in Wake, Durham, and Orange counties. We also have working relationships with private land developers. These partnerships provide local mountain bikers with opportunities for trail access while protecting the future of existing trails.
TORC holds local group rides nearly year-round throughout the various trails for all different skills levels, with beginner rides being some of our most popular. These rides allow participants to meet new people, learn new skills and trail systems, and have fun. Keep an eye on our event calendar - visit

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Help us continue to promote, build, and maintain mountain biking in the Triangle. Contact us at or check out our website for more information!

Upcoming events (4+)

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