What we’re about
All Meetup guests are welcome to attend our monthly meeting. It's also a great opportunity to officially join TOWN San Antonio as a member. Follow us on our Facebook page to find our meetings https://www.facebook.com/townsa/
You can contact us by email at townsatx@gmail.com
To become a TOWN member Membership dues are $20 for each calendar year (Jan to Dec). You can pay with your credit or debit card online here: https://squareup.com/store/town-sa
If you chose, you can pay by check or cash in person at our monthly meeting
**Some activities will only be open to dues paying members**
Profile Picture Required: We request that you have a clear profile picture that shows you, this is so that we may recognize you at our events. Far away photos will not be accepted. Name must be provided.
The Texas Outdoors Woman Network (TOWN) is an organization dedicated to enabling women to learn about and experience outdoor activities in a safe and supportive environment. TOWN also connects outdoor-oriented women to other women in the local area who have similar interests.
TOWN is an offshoot of the Texas Parks & Wildlife's Becoming an Outdoors Woman (BOW) program. The San Antonio TOWN group was founded in 1998.
No Show Policy: If you are unable to attend an event please update your RSVP as soon as possible. This is so the event host knows not to expect you.
Participation: This is a social group and your participation is needed, so please sign up for an event or two. If you are a paid TOWN member you can post your own events. If you have any questions about posting events please contact the organizer.