What we’re about
Are our politics trapped in false binaries? Does our culture feel “stuck”? Do you feel “politically homeless”?
The Heterodox Club is dedicated to discussing works from current "heterodox" thinkers that provocatively, and at times controversially, question present orthodoxies in our politics and culture. Just as importantly, we are dedicated to being involved in our community and have developed relationships with several nonprofits and community organizations that we support.
All you need to join is curiosity and a belief in the ideals of frank discussion, empathy, honesty, and nuance.
For more details on the club, see the sections below.
You can find our group Substack here with writings from the group
The group organizer has a Substack here.
We also have a group Discord.
A Quick Notes on Rules:
Polite, respectful, and empathetic discussion will be required at all times. Vigorous and passionate debate is desired! Challenge each other! However, the fact that we will be reading controversial works will not be an excuse to engage in insulting or offensive interactions.
What Will We Be Reading?
The thinkers we will read represent political and philosophical viewpoints that won’t always map well onto our political binary, but that share a critique of our current intellectual status quo.
We will read work from “anti-identitarian” Leftists that believe our current form of identity politics serves to prevent class consensus and material change. Radical centrists that believe our institutions have become afraid to speak the truth on certain issues openly and abandoned Enlightenment ideals. A new crop of feminists that believe treating of the sexes as the same sexually and psychologically has hurt women. We will read books that you will vehemently disagree with, as well as ones that you may not understand where any controversy could arise from.
Since the books we read will at times be controversial, respectful and considerate discussion will be enforced at all times. If you believe an upcoming topic should not be discussed and its inclusion as a discussion point is inherently morally problematic, then consider not attending unless you’re willing to engage critically and directly with those who would disagree.
Note: An intent of the club is to encourage specificity in how we we think that goes beyond everyday use of certain terms like "liberal" and "conservative". That being said, it does have certain metaphysical and ethical values that are implied in our approach to things. They will change and grow over time, but they include a commitment to human rights, the idea of progress, and there being truths in the world.
What the Club is Not
The goal of the club is not to boost ideas that are provocative for the sake of being provocative or that fail to adhere to basic standards of evidence, science, argument, logic, or respect for our fellow human. We will encourage a wide range of opinions and beliefs, but certain ground-rules for maintaining a pluralistic, healthy environment of discussion will be maintained. Namely, the club reserves the right to remove anyone that creates undue disruption in meetings or causes harm to another member in their interactions.
What Does Heterodox Mean?
The term “heterodox” refers simply to views that violate the commonly accepted, or “orthodox”, views of a belief system or group of people. The use of the term for this club is inspired by its use by Jonathan Haidt, writer of The Coddling of the American Mind and founder of the "Heterodox Academy", who has worked to encourage more honest debate and viewpoint diversity on college campuses.
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- Social Event - Sky Zone Trampoline Park1275 Haddon Hall Dr, Apex, NC
Come join Triangle Heterodox for a more active day to warm up this winter at Sky Zone trampoline and activity park in Apex!
The park includes an air basketball court, an ultimate dodge-ball arena, and the trampoline and foam pit areas you are probably already thinking of. Food and drinks are available at the location. Tickets are $24 for 90 minutes of use, $34 for a full day. We will plan on at least doing 90 minutes.
SkyZone Website:
https://www.skyzone.com/raleigh/ - After Work: A History of the Home and the Fight for Free Time - Helen HesterWeaver Street Market, Raleigh, NC
Come join Triangle Heterodox in reading Helen Hester and Nick Srnicek's After Work: A History of the Home and the Fight for Free time. After Work asks the question of why, despite advances in technology, do we still find ourselves consumed with chores after work? What would it look like to reduce domestic work through neighborhood and communal arrangements?
This book will be a chance to consider these questions. A recurring discussion point has been the atomization of our neighborhoods and loss of the ability to socialize child-rearing and domestic work organically with neighbors or an extended family. This book will give us a chance to talk about this and the authors' suggestions for how we can get back some of our time to focus on the valuable activities in our lives.
Helen Hester is a Professor of Gender, Technology, and Cultural Politics at University of West London and Nick Srnicek is a lecturer on digital economies at King's College London. Srnicek would also gain some minor notoriety for a public op-ed arguing for accelerationism.
Guardian Review
https://www.theguardian.com/books/2023/jul/05/after-work-by-helen-hester-and-nick-srnicek-review-domestic-bliss-deferredKosmopolis Talk
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSHT-HKkk8QNick Srnicek on Left-Wing Accelerationism
https://www.versobooks.com/blogs/news/3652-beyond-endless-winter-an-interview-with-nick-srnicek?srsltid=AfmBOorjmH01wCYLklDtpuooqMYk_WX0yCMXQC0vPCJHuFJ3DqEmVYn8 - Social Event - RushHour KartingRushHour Karting, Morrisville, NC
Do you have a need for speed? Come join Triangle Heterodox Club for an afternoon at RushHour Karting in Morrisville!
RushHour Karting is an indoor, high-speed electric go-kart course with food and drink and a very basic axe throwing area between heats. For those who may think this is more adrenaline than they would like, its a well-managed course with a flag system where observers make sure no one is getting intentionally rammed.
The cost of this event is $40/person for two races. Those that wish to do more races may!
We'll organize ourselves into groups so that we can race together. Meet to the left as you enter by the check-in area and we'll purchase our heats there.
As someone who has been here before, I personally had a blast doing it!
RushHour Karting Website
https://rushhourkarting.com/rtp/ - How Capitalism Works and How It Fails - Yanis VaroufakisWeaver Street Market, Raleigh, NC
Come join Triangle Heterodox in reading Yanis Varoufakis' Talking to My Daughter About the Economy: or, How Capitalism Works—and How It Fails
Yanis Varoufakis is an economist, politician, and former finance minister for Greece. Varoufakis is unique in bringing both an academic pedigree and experience in the real-world application of economics in the political realm. His time as the finance minister during Greece during the imposition of austerity measures and founder of the Democracy in Europe party gives him an interesting insight into how decision-making on global economic issues play out in practice.
This book is a collection of a series of essays on the workings of capitalism he wrote for his daughter. It serves as a more approachable way to explore critiques of the mainstream understanding of capitalism and its history, grounding these critiques in critiques of the economic theory itself.
His lecture below is quite good and I would recommend it as a way to get an understanding of his concerns about classical economics.
From an Economics Without Capitalism to Markets Without Capitalism