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What we’re about

Welcome to our book club for adults who like to read in multiple genres and multiple age groups. We intentionally include diversity in our reading, including authors of color.

Please send me a message in MU if you're interested in hosting a book club meeting, if you have a book recommendation, or if you know of a venue where we could hold a meeting. We're always looking for new fun places conducive to conversation and fun.

Books We've Read in the Past

Submit your suggestions for books to read in 2025

Join us in Goodreads

Helping Things Run Smoothly:
1. Respect all group members and their opinions.
Since reading and text interpretations are subjective, everyone will have their own opinion. Listening respectfully with an open mind allows us to share our thoughts without negativity.

2. Be considerate and respectful in your words and actions.
We may discuss topics with many differences of opinion. It’s important to understand that we’ve all had unique experiences over our lives, and those experiences affect our points of view. Don’t assume that a person has bad intentions. Instead, respectfully listen to their opinion with an open mind and heart, and then ask questions and/or offer your opinion, so that we can try to understand where we’re all coming from. 

3. Let everyone have a chance to speak. 
We’d like to hear everyone’s opinion. If the moderator notes that you’re frequently contributing, and others are not able to contribute, the conversation may be redirected so that other group members may speak. It’s our way of allowing everyone the chance to contribute.

4. Raise your hand if you need to.
If you’d like to share an opinion and haven’t been able to speak, feel free to raise your hand. Sometimes points can be made quickly by several participants, and it might be difficult to add to the conversation. 

5. Disagreeing with the majority of the group is ok.
Please be sure to share your ideas so that we can hear alternate points of view.

6. RSVPs
Please update your RSVP to “Not Going” as soon as you know you won’t be able to attend a meeting. We may be at some smaller venues with limited space, and we want to make sure that as many members who’d like to join us at meetings can. As a courtesy to everyone, a member may be removed from the group if repeatedly not showing up to meetings without updating the RSVP, or regularly canceling with very short notice.

7. Content
Themes will undoubtedly come up that are triggering to some members. Please read book descriptions so that you can make an informed decision about participating in meetings. There are sites online that can provide information about trigger warnings for different books. No site can eliminate all risk of potential triggers because of the wide range of triggers for different individuals. If something is triggering to you, please seek assistance from a trusted source. Topics may not be censored during our meetings. Please be sure that you’re comfortable with this before attending events, since we may be discussing things that you may not be comfortable discussing. If you'd like to step away from the group for a few minutes until that topic is finished, please feel free to do that.

Please Note: The cover image is a free image from the website. Here is the link if you'd like to see it online.

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