What we’re about
Are you Up For Anything and Down For Whatever? We are!
Welcome to our group - created for individuals in their 20's, 30's and 40's - who are up for any fun, sporty events and down for whatever else comes along. Activities include sand volleyball, hiking, camping, dinner gatherings and various social events.
Have an event you want others to join? Simply suggest a new event and we'll let everyone know! The more ideas you suggest, the better!
These rules are designed to help make sure that we keep an active, safe and fun group for everyone. Not abiding by the rules will get you removed - so read through all of them. If we change any of the rules, we'll keep you posted via email!
If you join the group, please participate in events. We like to meet new members and welcome them to the U4AD4W family! If you don't participate in any events for more than 3 months, we'll have to remove you from the group <br> <br>
Please RSVP to the events that you want to attend - don't just show up. The RSVPs help us make the proper arrangements and plans to accommodate everyone. If you don't RSVP, you may be denied entry to the event and we hate turning away family! <br> <br>
If you RSVP to an event, please show up. We understand that plans change, often at the last minute, so be sure to update your RSVP accordingly. Members who RSVP to an event and fails to show up without adjusting their RSVP will be removed from the group after the third time <br> <br>
The safety of the U4AD4W family always comes first. Anyone caught causing harm or harassing any of our members will be removed immediately and reported to the authorities if needed. If you feel you are in a situation that you are not comfortable with, please reach out to any one of the organizers and address it with them first - please do not take matters into your own hands! <br> <br>
Above all else, have fun! We are here to meet new friends and have a good time doing so. Welcome new members with open arms and enjoy the time you spend at the events!