What we’re about
Hier finden sich Menschen zusammen, die das Leben - in seinem Zauber, in Kreativität, Intensität, Zartheit, Kraft & Herzlichkeit - gerne bewusst erleben. Sei bereit für coole, einfühlsame &/oder verspielte Events und Treffen mit Themen wie Bewegung, Tanz, Weisheit, Verbindung, Inspiration, Feiern, Genuss und Erholung in Berlin und Umgebung
We are a soberfriendly | consciousfriendly | emotionsfriendly event, dance, lifestyle & adventure community in Berlin. Be ready for Urban Joy
Upcoming events (2)
See all- Cuddle Castle Berlin | KuschelWorkshop & Party | Anmeldung via PMCharlottenstraße, Berlin€25.00
Welcome to a professionally guided, playful, relaxed Cuddle Workshop & Gathering | participation fees for the location & facilitation apply
Check out more EventDetails here:
We humans are group animals.
In the next precious ⭐️CUDDLE CASTLE⭐️ Classic & BONUS Edition | Joe & the Angels are teaming up with you (and your favourite humans) to co-create another magical Workshop & gathering for deep relaxation, play & flow states.WHAT?
We invite you to a guided cuddle friendly space: A human-/emotions-/body- & event full of bodily expression, sensual exploration and natural happiness.
1. WARM-UP First, we’ll start with a few connection, boundaries & attunement exercises to harmonize & warm up with ourselves & the amazing people present.
2. STARTING TOGETHER Then, we’ll go into giving & receiving play and explore various & deeper connections & release practices within the group.
3. OPEN CUDDLE GROUND the last part of the evening is reserved for free flow- Bodily magic and shared kindness are our birth right. Be ready for fully embracing the present moment, with slowliness, relaxation, effortlessness & one or more pleasant surprises – let’s discover what wants to emerge consensually.SETTING
A circle of friendly hearts get together in a comfy location to celebrate the beautiful gifts of consensual touch, physical connection & platonic play.All parts of the evening are optional. You can a) involve yourself or b) pause, detach, be by yourself at any moment. We will enjoy each others company in a cozy penthouse appartement in Berlin-Mitte. Several comfy lounge areas, including in case of decent weather a dreamy balcony, a potluck bar & buffet – bring something vegan to share. Stay hydrated and enjoy a variety of vegan snacks & dishes plus lots of space for your choice of activity – give & receive sensual, healing touch, celebrate your kindness & softness pleasures.
You will have the opportunity to take an open air shower with a skyline view, if you feel like it.What will it be this night for you? Sensual journeys, a full-blown energetic experience, deep eyegazing, soul talk.
Our invitation is to have an gentle night of blissful relaxation, heartfelt encounters, soothing touch, exploring platonic love & bliss or all of the above!CODE OF CONDUCT
To have us all enjoy the most access to our natural sensuality this event is sober, smokefree & conscious.
Non violent/empathetic communication is invited at the event
This is a consent & self-responsibility based event. Adhering to that is the basis of your participation. Transgressions will lead to expulsion from the event.
Impeccable personal hygiene is another participation prerequisite. Also we request you test & take care of your health & especially your skin health on a regular basis.
Treat the space & each other with care and respect – the luxury of the venue demands common sense reverenceHOW TO JOIN?
Apply for your spot by via PM to www.t.me/JoeJung.Recommendations by other participants increase your chances of being able to come join.
You will then receive an answer message as soon as possible.
This Cuddle Castle is designed for beginners & intermediate visitors.
A positive attitude towards human bodies, self-responsibility, social awareness is a healthy foundation.
If you are new to this, check with us for claryfing if you are a match.