What we’re about
Welcome! First, who are we? The main thing that has brought us together is the love of bicycling. About three times per week small groups of us get together to go cycling somewhere; either in the Victoria area or occasionally off island. Our rides usually include between 5 and 15 people and cover about 50 km at the low end to over 100 km. Rides are often at a leisurely pace; some are faster and on more challenging (hilly) routes. We've biked many scenic routes in the Victoria area. Yearly favorites are the Halloween and Christmas lights rides. Outside of Victoria we’ve ridden out to Leechtown, Kinsol trestle, across Vancouver, on Saltspring island, Saturna island, across the strait to bike up Hurricane ridge. We get around. We’re always on the lookout for new ideas. If you really want to get to know this area, our bike rides will probably at some point take you to places you’ve never been before and will want to revisit.
What else unites us though is just our interest in meeting new people, and socializing with our new friends. Almost every ride will stop at some point at a coffee shop for an engaging, and usually unpredictable, conversation. The rides can just be a springboard for getting together to do some completely different things. Our region offers a lot of options.
While we always want to have fun, our highest priority is safety. Cycling does come with some level of risk. A basic rule we have is always to be mindful of safety, review and honor our clubs pointers on safety. Pay attention to the ride leader’s reminders at the start of the ride. So, for more, please read on.
So, some of the nitty gritty.
Welcome! To join an event, you need to first sign up with the Victoria Cycling Adventures (VCA): http://vcac.net/join-the-vcac so that you can be covered by our liability insurance. Include your first and last name and an email address so we can reach you. You also need to read the Waiver: http://vcac.net/Documents/VCACWaiver.pdf and complete the Cycling Safety Quiz (http://vcac.net/CyclingQuiz.php) .
Fees: Your first ride is free! If you wish to join a second ride, the annual fee is $35 ($30 for new members and existing members if paid within 1 month of the expiry date). Payment is made by e-transfer to our club email at victoriacyclingadventures@gmail.com. In the e-transfer message please put your first and last name so we can match you in our database and your VCA meetup nickname so we can match you there.
MeetUp: It helps us if you include at least the first letter of your last name so we can find you in our database in the club. Make sure your MeetUp settings allow for you to receive messages and email notifications. Follow these steps: https://www.meetup.com/Victoria-Cycling-Adventures/pages/28207167/Organizer_Contact_Settings/
About our rides: As mentioned above VCA offers rides at different pace levels from beginner (Pace 1) to advanced (Pace 4). Members ride road bikes, hybrids, e-bikes and mountain bikes. For safety reasons, only e-bikes that require pedaling are allowed on our group rides. The ride leader will indicate if certain bikes are not appropriate for the ride and if you are unsure, just message the ride leader via MeetUp. Cyclists are expected to always ride between the ride leader and the sweep and follow the rules of the road at all times. Riders wear a helmet and bring water, snacks, and a spare tube or patch kit, pump, gloves and gear appropriate for the weather anticipated. Your bike must be in good working order and have front and rear lights for evening and night rides. Riders are responsible for their own safety and fitness. Event leaders are volunteers and may not have first aid or survival training. If you aren't sure where you fit in, try a Pace 2.5 for your first ride. If you decide to join VCA, please complete the member questions so that we have an idea of the most suitable rides for your riding level.
Ride Paces (speed is on a flat, paved surface):
1. 10-14 kph 2) 15-20 kph 3) 18-22 kph 4) 23+ kph