Welcome Book Lovers!
Join our Meet Up Group to find like-minded book readers!
This event is for everybody interested in listening or sharing new book content or comment on it.
You are welcome just to come for inspiration. You definitely don't need to read books at the moment. It is a gathering for everybody to find like-minded people interested in learning something new. :)
Feel free to bring your own book with you.
The event will take place at the volunteer organisation MUT.
It is an organisation to supports humans, animals and the environment especially in Vienna.
I am happy to host it there.
MUT or the Social Book Club look forward to some donation to cover the cost of this event.
If you would like to help, please bring some cash with you.
This is the address:
Rechte Wienzeile 37, 1040 Wien
Walk until the end of the main entrance hall. At the end you find a big green door with a sign of the Social Book Club.
Come inside. If you have difficulties give me a call:
Below you can find my number:
0043 677 6484 6608
Please give your best to be on time so that we can have a nice introduction round together.
If you can't attend anymore please cancel the event to give someone else the space to come. :)
For any questions or comments give me a message.
Check out the Social Book Club Website for more content:
Looking forward to seeing you there! :)