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What we’re about

Hello and welcome to Wakefield and District Over 40s Social Group! Please ensure that you read all of this introduction especially the 'Terms and Disclaimer' at the end of this introduction. If you have any problems please speak to Jane R.

This group is for anyone over 40 (although many of us are in our 50s and 60s) who is interested in socialising, making new friends and generally having a good time! We offer a wide range of events including afternoon teas, cinema, lunches, quizzes, dining out, theatre, music events, strolls, brunches, coffee etc. If you wish to become a host please let us know as we welcome any new ideas for events that have not been included which you may wish to do. We are open for any ideas our members have for events.

We do ask that when you apply to join our group you upload a clear headshot photograph of just yourself ie no other people, sunglasses or animals.. that we will recognise you when you come to events.

We also ask that you send your joining fee, currently £3.00, direct to our bank account details of which are provided in the welcome message. The membership fee is payable when you submit your application to join the group. Please don't give any cash to other members to pass on and please don't send cheques. If you could put your first name and your surname initial on your profile that would be helpful and especially on your joining fee as reference to the bank account. We have to charge a joining fee to cover the Meet Up admin costs with the Meet Up franchise. If you require a receipt at any time, we will gladly give you one.

We request that you always:-

  1. RSVP to events (at least 24 hours prior to event if possible) if you wish to attend so that the host knows who is coming.
  2. Please do not turn up at events that you have not RSVP’d to.
  3. Try to give 24 hours notice if you are unable to attend and amend your RSVP. We understand that illness etc can get in the way, but repeated offenders who simply are 'no shows' will be removed from the group.
  4. On some events non-member guests are welcome (this is shown on the event) but after 3 visits we would expect them to join the group themselves.
  5. Well behaved dogs are usually welcome on our walks but must be kept on a short lead at all times. We are classed as a group of friends whilst walking and as such we don't have insurance, therefore please make sure the walk will be suitable for you.

We understand (and remember our first time!) that it can be daunting for a new member to attend an event, so please let the host know and we can arrange to meet you outside the venue.

  1. Please note that this is not a dating site and we welcome singles and couples.
  2. We do not tolerate abuse, racism or very bad language from anyone towards any of our members. We ask that all members treat each other with respect. Anyone who is abusive will be removed from the group.
  3. We respectfully ask that if you are a smoker, you refrain from smoking until everyone has finished their full meal when eating out, for the comfort of all our members.

Deposits for any meals, outings, etc should also be paid into the bank account. Please note that some deposits may be non-refundable but this will be noted on the event.
Note to new and existing members: Membership may be revoked if no events have been attended within the last 6 months or if you haven't visited the site within the last 4 months.

*If you have any technical issues please contact Meetup direct

TERMS AND DISCLAIMER The purpose of this group is to arrange social 'meetups' on a regular basis. Any person participating in any such 'meetup' (whether they have officially signed-up on this website or not) does so entirely at their own risk. It is not the responsibility of this group's organisers (or the 'event hosts' of any event arranged via this Meetup group) to check and ensure the suitability of individuals to participate in any activity. It is the responsibility of any person participating in any event arranged via this group's web pages to ensure that they are in a fit medical state to do so. By signing up to and attending an event: 1) You acknowledge that the organisers (including 'event hosts') of this group do not hold any formal qualifications for events organised, or medical qualifications or training. 2) You agree and acknowledge that this group has no legal duty of care to its members and 'guests' and that its Organisers (including 'event hosts') accept no liability for any accident occurring from, or for any injuries arising out of, participation in this group's activities. 3) You acknowledge that it is your duty to either turn up to events you have RSVPed yes to OR to change your RSVP to let the Organiser / event host know before the event if you have a genuine last minute reason for non-attendance, and that the Organisers reserve the right to ban regular 'no-shows' (people who have not turned up without changing their RSVPs 3 times) from the group.