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What we’re about

Walking Innovators Hawaii is a hiking group for entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, local professionals and innovators with a unique format: combine walking/hiking activities with brainstorming, intellectually-stimulating conversations, etc.

Meet other innovators, get advice, bounce ideas, learn something new, make friends, find help and support from your peers - professionals in the same or similar industries - all while hiking and enjoying the nature.

You won't even notice, as you get more fit, improve your posture and get some good workout in the most natural way (just as our ancestors did), while doing their daily chores.

Human body requires a lot of movement to stay healthy (10,000 steps per day recommended by American Heart Association) and Hawaii offers some of the best trails/views and plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities. We can start with some simple yet effective walking and exercise techniques (courtesy of my chiropractor and gymnastic instructor in Europe) while discussing various topics of interest.

We hope that the fresh air, beautiful nature and interesting conversations in a scenic Hawaii setting will inspire us to come up with new ideas, find team/partners, create amazing projects, launch start-ups and maximize our potential in general.

Topics can be suggested for each meetup and we can form interest groups for every hike - anything from technology to management, education, etc.

We can also team up with other meetups and expand our horizons. Feel free to provide your suggestions, new ideas and comments - we look forward to exploring opportunities that this new format presents.

The Walking Innovators group was first started in SF Bay Area in August of 2011 and expanded to Hawaii (Oahu). We are now thrilled to restart the group for the new generation of entrepreneurs and innovators.