Greetings! This group was formerly known as the West Suburban Euchre Club! We are a group of highly experienced players that love a good challenge! THIS IS A CLOSED GROUP! You MUST be a member of the group to play. You MUST have a portrait of your face for your Meetup profile. If you’d like to play, please be fully vaccinated and/or cancel or wear a mask accordingly if you have been exposed to COVID-19 recently.
Please read the description below. If you would like to sign up after reading the rules, you may do so, however THE ORGANIZER(S) HAS/HAVE SOLE DISCRETION TO ADMIT OR DENY ANY PERSON BASED ON THEIR LEVEL OF EXPERIENCE!
This group is designed to provide well-seasoned players a chance to have FUN by playing a fair game of cards! Below are a few guidelines: • This group meets the first Saturday of every month, unless otherwise noted. We start at 6:30 SHARP! If you are late, you take a zero on your score for the first round. IF YOU DON’T SHOW UP WITHOUT CONTACTING AN ORGANIZER OR CHANGING YOUR RSVP BEFORE GAME TIME, you will have to pay double at the next event you attend. ** If you show up WITHOUT signing up prior to 30 minutes before start time (6 pm) on the day of the event, the host(s) reserve the right to deny your entry if it will impact the movement - i.e. causing sitouts. Come early! The food at Sammy’s is good. Even though it certainly is not mandatory to purchase anything, it would be great to support Sammy’s. It’s a great place! • This IS a tournament league! Play a fair game. Anyone that is reported to be reneging, (more than a few times) may be denied access to future Meetups. • The pace of the play is rather quick. Hemming or hawing or other table talk is not allowed! • There is a $10.00 per person buy-in. The organizer will set aside $5.00 for the kitty and will reserve $5.00 per person for expenses. • Everyone will be given a personal score card. Always carry it with you! Update it before you play a new game. After each game, log your results on the main sheet. At the end of the night, turn in your score card. You may NOT cash out without turning in your completed personal score card! • At the start of the night, table assignments will be made by drawing cards. At the end of every game, make sure your personal score cards are filled out, update the main score sheet and then move accordingly (winners stay/losers move) o In the event the number of players is a non-multiple of four, we will play a three-handed table, and/or player(s) may need to sit out a game. Those that sit out will shake either a 12-sided die or 2 regular dice with the organizer, for their score. • A tournament consists of 8 games unless otherwise noted! The number of games will be determined by the organizer. Each game consists of 8 shuffles or deals. You MAY score more than 10 points per game! • A card laid is the card that is played, unless it would result in a renege. • The first black jack determines the dealer for each new game. Please offer the player to your right the chance to cut before dealing. l
Questions? Comments? Please let us know! Thank you, Christa Halstead & Ashley Szymski