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What we’re about

Welcome to Westside Tabletop Adventure Games, your gateway to thrilling and imaginative escapades in the vibrant West side of Los Angeles and surrounding areas! Our Meetup Group is a place to discuss and play exciting tabletop adventure games together.

We use "tabletop adventure games" to include various games and communities - roleplaying games, miniature games, board games, old-school, new-school, and many other sources. Such games blend authentic peril, inventive problem-solving, and episodic narratives. In such games, you can expect to encounter the following:

  • Genuine risks and the possibility of loss, making your victories even more gratifying.
  • A sense of wonder, with the promise of unexpected twists, enigmatic riddles, and breathtaking locales.
  • Diverse and compelling experiences, as each session unfolds like an ever-evolving classic pulp tale.
  • Challenges that require ingenuity, creativity, and teamwork rather than brute force, endless combat, or solving problems by enumerating abilities from a character sheet.
  • Iconic and diverse characters inspired by pop culture and fiction, such as Conan, T'Challa, Ellen Ripley, Lagertha, Indiana Jones, and Nausicaä, to name a few.
  • A strong, independent Do-It-Yourself attitude - empowering players and referees to make the games they play their own and even to write their own games whole cloth.

Our mission is to create a welcoming, inclusive, and unpretentious gaming community that values fun and camaraderie. We believe in fostering an environment where everyone, regardless of background or experience level, can gather around the table, unleash their imagination, and embark on unforgettable journeys.

Join Westside Tabletop Adventure Games today and become a part of our growing community of explorers, heroes, and adventurers!

Members are welcome to and encouraged to co-host and suggest new meetups for the group!

Code of Conduct
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Upcoming events (4+)

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