What we’re about
Who are we?
Local people taking care of wildlife and sharing our passion and knowledge in a practical and fun way in the parish of Cookham.
What are we doing?
· Planning a calendar of local events and activities such as guided walks and talks
· Running practical campaigns and initiatives to enrich habitats such as:
> o Wildlife and natural gardening – educating people about the importance of their gardens and creating wildlife corridors through gardens for hedgehogs and many other animals. Promoting the use of natural and non-chemical substances in the garden.
> o Leaving verges and meadows long, not cutting until after flowers have seeded, and planting wildflowers on verges as food sources for bees and other insects
> o Not cutting hedges and trees between Feb and Aug while birds are still nesting
> o Securing habitat and nest boxes for certain birds such as House Martins and encouraging the use of Swift bricks in new-build properties
> o Reducing light pollution
· Offering wildlife advice and building a community of interest through a dedicated wildlife forum on cookham.com
Who is supporting us?
National Trust
Woodland Trust
Upcoming events (3)
See all- Lets Go to the MistletoeNeeds location
WildCookham is inviting all its supporters to participate in this winter’s national Mistletoe count, starting this week. We are joining groups up and down the country to participate in the Tree Council’s survey of this traditional winter plant.
It is over 25 years since the last survey and there is concern at potential reducing abundance.
Participation is simple; you download an app onto your phone, and wherever you find Mistletoe on your walks between now and end of March 2025, simply follow the instructions at each location. Download the free ArcGIS Survey123 app from https://apps.microsoft.com/detail/9nblggh5wmrr?hl=en-us&gl=US The MistleGo survey is included on that App.
There is than an introductory presentation on how to participate with the App at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6IcGgkcTGk
So, very straightforward and by this means we can turn all our winter walks and wanderings from today into a valuable citizen science project, (including of course anywhere in UK you happen to be spending Christmas at.)
All we would ask is that you would respond to this invite on Meetup as ‘attending’ so we can get an idea of how many are taking part.
Any queries, contact Brian Clews on brian.clews@btconnect.com