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What we’re about

Who are we?
Local people taking care of wildlife and sharing our passion and knowledge in a practical and fun way in the parish of Cookham.

What are we doing?
·  Planning a calendar of local events and activities such as guided walks and talks
·  Running practical campaigns and initiatives to enrich habitats such as:

> o  Wildlife and natural gardening – educating people about the importance of their gardens and creating wildlife corridors through gardens for hedgehogs and many other animals. Promoting the use of natural and non-chemical substances in the garden.

> o  Leaving verges and meadows long, not cutting until after flowers have seeded, and planting wildflowers on verges as food sources for bees and other insects

> o  Not cutting hedges and trees between Feb and Aug while birds are still nesting

> o  Securing habitat and nest boxes for certain birds such as House Martins and encouraging the use of Swift bricks in new-build properties

> o  Reducing light pollution

·  Offering wildlife advice and building a community of interest through a dedicated wildlife forum on
Who is supporting us?
National Trust
Woodland Trust

Upcoming events (3)

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