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What we’re about

Membership: To join our group, print off the Membership Form and mail in or bring to the next general meeting.

Mission: Williamson Audubon Group promotes the appreciation of birds by sharing knowledge and experience.

If you are interested in serving on the WAG board or leading field trips or would like more information please contact one of the WAG organizers here on Meetup.

Meetings and Field Trips: To accomplish our mission, WAG will hold bi-monthly field trips from September through May and provide four evening programs during the year. Those persons interested in birding at all levels of expertise are encouraged to join us. We especially encourage beginners.  Signups are limited on most field trips and members are given priority.  Non-members may attend one trip.

On this website you can share pictures, check the calendar for upcoming events, participate in discussions and contact fellow members. We encourage the sharing of unusual sightings, the posting of bird lists from your times in the field, and your suggestions for activities for the group. Our goal is to provide a forum as well as have fun and enjoy all of nature with a focus on birds.

Upcoming events (1)

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