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What we’re about

NOTE: This is a new group as of late September 2024 and I am working to populate more events for the upcoming months.

Who We Are: We are a social group in the Wilmington area that focuses on creating social connection through repeated events. The focus is to create a common ground with an activity or event and form friends through that shared interest.

Who Should Join: This group revolves around the 20s and 30s age bracket because there seems to be a need for a young college grads, young professionals, and transplants to have an easy way to make connections.

The hope is that these events can become parts of your regular schedule and that you make friends here of your own to carry outside of this group.

What to Expect: Our events will vary but the main goal is to have something central to focus around, so even if the people who show don't click with each other (we hope you still do though), there is still something to do if conversation doesn't flow.

Also, we aim to have events on regular days/times, hopefully alleviating some of the awkwardness of "that person was cool but I probably won't EVER see them again" that you get with one-off events that change every time. The idea here is that if the day/time worked this week, it'll likely work next week.

A (little) About Your Group Owner: Frankly, I am the person this group is targeted for. I've moved a few times in my twenties and had to start my social life over numerous times. I have run similar events in the past and many of my friends come from groups just like this. Hoping to facilitate the same success I have had, just here in Wilmington instead.

Also, meetup has always been a tough spot to coordinate after an event, feel free to meet in the middle by tagging event photos, finding friends, and more here on the Instagram group I manage:

NOTE: We value any input and openly welcome suggestions, so please reach out if you have any ideas for improvement. Also, reach out if you'd be interested in any form of leadership role within the group. Not sure what that entails yet but I likely can't host every single day something is happening.