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What we’re about

The Windy City Wine Meetup is a group of friends who enjoy wine, food, spirits and social activities throughout Chicagoland. We're primarily based in the city, but will take excursions from time to time in search of new venues & events.

Feel free to contact me with any questions or suggestions. As of 9/10/23, I have taken over this group from Tom Besore as he moved out of state. I will continue with the weekly wine meetups in the summer at Millenium park as we all love those gatherings. I will add a lot of year round events like dinners with wine pairings, wine classes, wine tastings, wine festivals and maybe an out of town trip to nearby vineyards in Michigan.

I run another meetup group called, 1001 Things to See In Chicago Before You Die since 2018 so I am an experienced organizer. We will do a lot of events together with our above sister group so please consider joining that in addition to the wine group. That group is extremely active with 4-5 events a week with all kinds of different events like walking tours, historical sites, museums, live music, festivals and unique experiences! Click here to join:

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us via meetup.
Giovina Romandine (organizer)

Upcoming events (4+)

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