What we’re about
"I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness." Max Planck, physicist
What is non-duality?
The understanding that the Reality of the world and the Reality of the body and mind are the same, experientially: consciousness. And while we can be certain that this consciousness exists, there is nothing else we can say about it. This consciousness carries our deepest, most intimate understanding of what we are, it is what we call "I," our Self. It is what understands, loves, thinks, knows, and acts.
We do not know that the consciousness which is reading this text right now is an emergent product of the brain, that it is finite and limited, that it was born and that it will die one day. The suffering we experience in this life is simply a result of our misunderstanding of this fact. We believe that consciousness is mind-like, and that it somehow shares the same limitations of the body, while we have no evidence for such a belief.
The path towards true happiness, what in spiritual terms is called enlightenment or liberation, is in aligning the way we experience the world, the mind, and the body to reflect this fundamental truth of existence: I am consciousness rather than the body, and there is only one consciousness, shared by all beings and all things.
What will we be doing in this group?
Having fun and meeting new like-minded friends! We will be doing meditations and discussions together to deepen our understanding of this Universal truth and its implications for how we live our lives.
Do I need a meditation or spirituality background to join this group?
All you need is your enthusiasm and curiosity!
Upcoming events (4)
See all- Living Truth - Jean Klein (Reading & Discussion)Link visible for attendees
Join us for a reading and discussion of Jean Klein's book "Living Truth." Jean Klein (1912-1998) was a guru in the tradition of Advaita Vedanta. Speaking from his direct experience, Jean Klein transmits the understanding that the whole universe is a single reality, our real Self. His words are pointers to the possibility that we all have access to awaken to this absolute freedom and peace within if we truly desire it.
Book summary:
"In the late 1980s Jean Klein was invited to give seminars in the Santa Cruz Mountains of California. In this isolated, peaceful mountain setting, a small group of students gathered with their life questions. The conversations of the 1988 seminar were transcribed and printed as a pamphlet entitled Mount Madonna Dialogues, but it was felt that the contents of all of the seminars were rich and rewarding enough to be gathered into a more substantial publication. This book is the result. Time and timelessness meet in these dialogues that focus on the very root of human experience - that pointless point in which all apparent dualities are reconciled and all that lives has forever lived. Here in these still waters, says Jean Klein, is the essence and the All - that which neither knows nor needs the other in order to define itself. These dialogues are rich with meaning yet they speak in a language that is as simple direct and inspiring as the pointless point itself."Here is the link for a free copy of it online: Jean Klein Living Truth Where Time And Timelessness : John Klein : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive