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What we’re about

We bring the spirit of Georgian London’s social buzz and sense of discovery into the modern era, creating a welcoming space where ideas flow as freely as the conversation. Much like the coffeehouses of old—hubs of intellectual exchange and spirited debate—we reimagine these gatherings as safe, inclusive spaces to share thoughts, challenge assumptions and spark creativity. Here, we celebrate the timeless power of conversation to inspire change and foster understanding, one cup at a time.

• Are you an entrepreneur, about to launch a new venture or research new opportunities?
• Are you seeking funding, maybe via sponsorship or a crowdfunding adventure?
• Do you have a project you want to initiate or would you like to fire your imagination with ideas you can use to support a cause you care about?
• Are you a creative innovator with an idea that could earn you and other people a living?
• Are you an investor on the lookout for early-stage ideas and businesses that pique your interest and get your ROI antennae wobbling?
• Are you a creative looking to maximise your income in the marketplace?

Whatever your level of experience or knowledge, and wherever you are in the world, join me and other members of the WoC community for a regular cuppa brewed in your own kitchen – on Mondays (10:30-11:30 hrs, UK time) and/or Thursdays (16:30-17:30 hrs, UK time) – to share stories, pitch projects, pick up tips and learn the ropes of successful strategy, so you can reach financial, marketing and networking goals for your business or project.

The Wisdom of Coffee is also a community hosted at Founders and Mentors (a platform run by the 12Ronnies Foundation). If you are an entrepreneur, a pre-launch founder, an inventor or a creative, you are most welcome to join us there for FREE via this link:

We also host a FREE group at WhatsApp for daily conversations, which you can apply to join via this Google Form link:

The Wisdom of Coffee also hosts a regular conversational podcast. You can apply for FREE to be a guest on this 30-minute live-streamed podcast via this Google Form link:

You can watch video recordings of past Wisdom of Coffee podcast events via the 12Ronnies YouTube channel:

We shall also be launching FREE Wisdom of Coffee Meetup events in real life. Contact me in you would like to host an in-person event and I shall publicise it for you via the Wisdom of Coffee Meetup Group web page.

*Note* For online gatherings, if no one arrives in the first 10 minutes of a Meetup, I close the session so that everyone can get on with their day. Also, WoC will return to hosting in-person events at the local level in clusters around the world. Send me a *message* is you would like to run an in-person WoC in the place where you live 😎

Upcoming events (4+)

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