Finding or Reminding You of Your True Self
"Decide the type of person you want to be. Prove it to yourself with small wins." Author and Lecturer James Clear
Are you ready for an interactive, hands-on, life-affirming deep-dive into what makes you tick and how you would like your life to look and feel? If so, join us for the Wishful Thinking Women “Finding & Reminding You of Your True Self” Sunday series in 2025.
Many of us never really think about the type of person we want to be. Or, we may have a vague notion, or maybe we have deeply thought about it but we have never created reminders to keep our best version of ourselves front and center in our lives.
There are so many ways to create reminders including: inspiring quotes, journaling, creating vision boards, and one of my favorites ~ personal mission statements.
Because of my background in public relations, I used to create a personalized marketing style brochure every year! It fit my personality and my style. Brochures were a part of my everyday work life and matched my personal style so they were a great tool for me to use.
The brochures contained my mission statement, my values, my dreams, my goals, and personally crafted positive affirmations in a simple form that I could keep in my purse or on my desk. They were a comforting, useful reminder of my strengths, personal values and they helped keep me true to myself throughout the the ups and downs of each year. They reminded me of who I wanted to be, reinforced my confidence, and helped me create the life I really wanted. Let’s discover what works for you!
If you are interested in understanding yourself more deeply, defining a mission or value statement for yourself, and exploring creative ways to keep it front and center in your life, this series is for you. The process can make a good life great and a so-so life much better!
**We will meet in January to begin developing a clear picture of who you want to be, and then we will meet twice in February to fine-tune and bolster your vision by creating tools to keep you on track to creating the person we really want to be.
All the sessions are FREE. My goal is to help you be the you, you really want to be.
The process:
Will be fun and supportive.
Will require soul-searching and effort!
Will be confidence building.
Will help you provide clarity as to what truly matters to you and to what can take a back seat as you focus on creating a life that inspires you deeply, matches your personality to your dreams and goals, and provides a deeper sense of purpose.
During January and February anyone who completes the steps outlined in the sessions can request a FREE one-on-one session with me to help them clarify and create their vision and their tools.
We will meet online using Zoom on Sunday evening at 5:30 pm on January 19th, February 2nd, and February 23rd for one hour and fifteen minutes. Please mark your calendars!
Once you RSVP. I will be sharing tips with you in January that you can use to jump start the fun of discovering and shaping who you are and who you want to be.
Let’s make 2025 one of your most insightful and fulfilling years!