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What we’re about

My name is Nekole and I am the founder of On The Go Journeys. I am married with adult kids, but I must say I rarely travel with my husband. For many years, I limited my travel because my husband did not like to fly "far". Eventually, I realized I needed to find other professional like-minded individuals who love to travel but find themselves limited by circumstances that leave them traveling solo. Whether it's due to friends not being able to travel, a partner who isn't keen on traveling, being single, divorced, or widowed, navigating the solo travel scene can feel daunting. As someone who loves to travel and understands the challenges of going alone, I'm here to change that! We cater to travelers who are solo but don’t want to be 100% solo.
And here's the niche: do you also have a passion for volunteering and giving back while you travel? If so, you'll feel right at home here! We incorporate meaningful volunteer experiences into our adventures, allowing us to make a positive impact on the communities we visit. Don't worry, volunteering is optional - you can choose to participate or simply enjoy the travel experience. Rest assured, we won't spend our entire trip on volunteer activities. Typically, we commit to one day of volunteering, leaving plenty of time to explore and enjoy the destination.

On the Go Journeys priority is to offer first-class travel experiences tailored to professional women who are solo travelers. As a team of passionate explorers, we specialize in curating boutique travel adventures that promise to ignite your sense of adventure.
So, if you're eager to break free from solo travel limitations, explore the world with premium experiences, give back (if you want to), and create unforgettable memories alongside a supportive community of fellow adventurers, then this is the group for you!

We gather regularly to share our travel stories, get to know each other better, and brainstorm on exciting trips and community ideas that cater to the interests of the group.

Check out our website at for more details!

Upcoming events (4)

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