What we’re about
We are a community of women over 35 years old looking to have support and breakthroughs in the following:
1. Clarifying their life purpose – so that they can focus, create momentum and live life fully.
2. Increasing their income potential – regardless of whether you are in career or in business.
3. Reducing stress & Increasing Performance in ALL areas of their lives.
4. Attracting and Manifesting their Desired Lifestyle.
In this event we will:
1. CONNECT: Network and Build Support for each other.
2. LEARN HOW TO STAND OUT: Learning how to set yourself apart from everyone else
a. Effectively marketing yourself (whether you are in business or not)
b. Effectively networking – how to connect and portray your best.
c. Effective leadership development – how to lead and inspire others.
d. Effective Sales – how to sell effectively everywhere – relationships, business, work.
e. Growing and Scaling Your business – for the entrepreneur in you.
We host the following types of events:
a. Networking and Social Events to connect.
b. Educational and training events to learn what the best of us know – in how to build and grow a profitable business enterprise.
c. And much more.
Please join our group ASAP!
See you soon
Natalie Wynn, Organizer & Community Leader