What we’re about
Important Disclaimer: This group is for individuals who identify as female. Meaning, no one of the opposite sex will permitted to join or attend our meetups.
Women’s Sacred Healing Circle was created to foster a sacred space for growth and expansion with intentions to connect, share, create, cry, celebrate, and build an unconditional loving community of individuals who identify as Divinely Feminine.
It is our utmost priority to make all feel welcome, safe, and supported in their journey of being their most authentic selves by focusing on embodying a beautiful balance of ascension and alchemy, grace and grit.
Who is this group for?
This group is for women who wish to feel:
- Nourished and supported by her community.
- Honored for her unique vision of life and what being a woman in this world means to her.
- Inspired to express oneself most authentically and feel inspired to take divine action to create a better world within herself and outwardly.
- Connected to her innate sense of divinity and femininity.
- Empowered to take up more space in this world knowing you are worthy of doing so.
- Safe in unleashing her soul gifts and committed to embodying her soul mission.
Praise & Prayer to the Divine
All Sacred Circle meetings will vary slightly from another, but will generally start by joining together in praise and prayer to the Divine Feminine and asking for their blessings, light, love, compassion, soothing healing energies and protection. This opens the space to let the love of the Divine to come in and enrich our space and meeting time. We also use the Adi Mantra to invoke our Higher Selves into the space as well.
Tea Ceremony
We will then dive into a tea our ceremony. Tea ceremonies are a ritualized and meditative experience that embody the principles of harmony, respect, purity, and tranquility. This creates an inviting setting for a peaceful and harmonious experience.
Every circle hosted comprises of a specific theme wherein this portion is dedicated to group chats around the hot topic. Here we share our experiences, our hearts, and lend a deep listening ear and support to others in the process of doing so. This allows for deep connection and a sense of oneness to envelope the circle.
Ecstatic Dance
Halfway through circle, we move into our sacred sound and movement portion of the meeting space. Feel free to stretch, move, flow or dance to the rhythms played.
Somatic Exercises
In support of the chosen Circle theme, we incorporate different somatic practices (experiential exercises) that you can partake in that are catalysts to healing. For example, themes we have done in the past include: Intuition and Tapping into Our Psychic Senses, Idealized Beauty Standards, Relating to Earth's Elements (Air, Water, Fire, Earth, Ether), Empowering the Woman's Voice and Healing the Throat Chakra, just to name a few!!
Oracle & Tarot
If time permits, we will also draw a card from a tarot or oracle deck that calls to us.
Facebook Group
Also, if you haven't done so already, please join our Facebook Group. Here you will find detailed lists of events and supportive group content related to our meetups.
Sacred Circle is considered to be a Community Service. We do appreciate and accept donations if you enjoy our meetups. They are not mandatory however.
For it is in giving that we receive. DONATIONS GIVE BACK TO THE CIRCLE ONLY and do not pay your leaders income. Every dollar is circulated to the circle and allow our sacred space the high-quality supplies and refreshments needed to support Sacred Circle as well as monthly dues paid to Meetup. You can give in cash or Venmo @Catterenariel.
We look forward to serving you!
In the Future
Expect creative, healing workshops and fun, ceremonial gatherings that support the framework of our meetings.
Below is a general guideline for how we can all foster sacred space together. Generating sacred space is a team effort and thrives when we all participate fully. The following agreements bolster our individual intentions as well as create harmony amongst all members. We will discuss any further edits or additions as they arise.
By joining this group, you are agreeing to the following:
We will start and end all meetings and events on time.
There will be a community basket for collecting donations. Donations are not mandatory but highly appreciated. For it is in giving that we receive. DONATIONS GIVE BACK TO THE CIRCLE ONLY and do not pay your leaders income. Every dollar is circulated to the circle and allow our sacred space the high-quality supplies and refreshments needed to support Sacred Circle as well as monthly dues paid to Meetup. You can give in cash or electronic payments.
When someone is speaking allow that person to finish without interruption or side conversations. They deserve our respectful attention.
As we explore what it means to be human and expose all our parts, things can appear that are very delicate. Let us cherish each other by holding each other with a sense of compassionate confidence. Anything shared in meeting or on any other platform is never duplicated or shared elsewhere.
The flip side of confidentiality is gossip. Whether inside the meeting’s physical space or not, gossip is toxic. This idea enfolds into the notion of non-judgment. If things do arise that are tugging at your sharing strings, please own them and hold them as part of your experience.
Be clear with yourself and others if you need space to process. When people are deeply processing things, some stickiness might come up and many times emotions are misdirected. Try not to take anything personally. Be mindful of your reactions and work with them as your own and only for your own. Only you have control over your own actions and reactions.
Be present. Showing up is the most important piece of this journey. Make a point to be fully engaged and present for our meetings. We are all counting on each other to do the same.
This is the time and space to replenish and refresh. Do what you need to do, as you feel called, no explanation or apologies needed.
The ability to say "yes" or “no” to any experiential practice gives you the power to opt in and out of things. Everything is an invitation; you always have a choice.
Because what’s life without it?! People deserve to have a pleasurable and fulfilling life full of experiences and people that bring them joy. People, in the deepest parts of themselves know what they want and it is imperative to surround yourself with others who support you on your pursuit.
Women's Sacred Healing Circle advocates a non-authoritarian approach towards coaching which means that YOU are the ultimate authority on your implementation of practice. This attitude is one of empowerment in personal sovereignty. We will use forms and techniques that are taught in specific ways, within certain parameters. But ultimately, YOU will decide their place in your life.
Sacred Circle does not assume to have a better idea of how you should live your life. Sacred Circle is however in service to your best interest and your internal voice, we aim to empower you to become the best version of yourself.
By practicing love, compassion, and empathy for yourself as well as others enables others to share vulnerably, release emotions, and express desires and boundaries in a way that increases the likelihood that you or they will get their needs met in an honorable manner.
Each person is the expert on their own life, there is no one right way to live life. This is strength-based coaching and there will be no tolerance for degrading words or behaviors.
As we exercise our muscles of awareness, it is useful to remember that just like the body's muscles, awareness must be built through stamina, working toward goals, and accepting any soreness along the way. Creating new habits takes dedicated practice and patience. Consider this course as an invitational aid to what you have already experienced. Honor yourself, your body's innate wisdom, and all your experiences by considering the viewpoint that everything we need to awaken is stored within.
Experiential work is essential to help people move out of bad habits and is powerful enough to help you realize that you can achieve the outcome you want. Deepening into these new feelings, which may at first feel unusual or awkward, is essential to the process and takes time and repetition. This is called neuroplasticity-- or brain re-wiring.
New experiences create new neural pathways to the brain which allows for the ability to adapt, master new skills, store memories and information and even recover from a traumatic brain injury.
A curiosity for discovery, innovation and Self-growth is a must. By maintaining this blank slate mentality, we are open to possibility from which we can expand and flourish.
We can learn a lot about ourselves by listening to the words that we use to describe our experiences. Whether or not we're accepting and taking responsibility, or denying and transferring blame, it can be found in our language. It may be hard to describe our experiences because we process them on many levels. By practicing “I” statements we can come into a place of ownership.
“I” statements are a way to practice responsibility and accountability and eliminate projection. This will empower you as a sovereign individual- someone who is not at the effect of others. “I” statements are crucial for communicating consciously and affectively. As a useful aside, it is best to eliminate judgments, the tyranny of duality, i.e., good/bad, right/wrong, etc. so we can step into what is.
This means saying things like, “I feel better after going in the ocean,” rather than, “Everyone feels better after going in the ocean.” Or “I sleep better when I meditate before bed,” rather than, “You sleep better when you meditate before bed.”
Witness consciousness is the practice of noticing our internal response to external stimuli. Often, we are quick to react without taking the time to stop and reflect. By slowing down and becoming curious about our reactions we can accept the circumstances and take responsibility for our role.
Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. “In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” -Viktor Frankl.
Developing witness consciousness gives us the ability to create space for observation and to grow freely. By becoming the observer, we can respond to others (rather than react) and tend to our own needs with nonjudgmental awareness.
Mindfulness training brings awareness to thoughts, feelings, and body sensations. Practicing mindfulness can give more insight into emotions and improve relationships.