What we’re about
Please join us bi-weekly as we gather together in a Spirit Circle of Light.
Gloria is a Spiritual Visionary, who will help all present through education and guidance, connect with those in the Spirit World.
This circle is for those who wish to learn how to connect to Spirit as well as those who would like to receive messages from loved ones in Spirit.
You can follow Gloria on Facebook; Twitter; Instagram; and Thread, as well as her own channel on u tube, under Gloria Weichand.
Any questions please call The Spirit Education Center and Sanctuary at 570-619-4067.
The cost for this bi-weekly class is $20 per person...
The Spirit Education Center and Sanctuary, is designed specifically to help those connect in a more evidential and accelerated way with the world of spirit. It is being hosted at The Spirit Education Center and Sanctuary, where fellow travelers who seek to share, learn and enhance their own gifts and abilities are always welcome. This is a place of truth and growth...a light and sanctuary to all who enter. All done in accordance with God's love and light.
Presently, all of Gloria's classes, including her very popular eighteen month Mediumship Certification Course are being offered online.
Gloria is uniquely blessed to have a strong working relationship with the world of spirit and teaches how others can do the same. Her education and teaching skills have been proven to help many embrace and strengthen their own gifts and abilities.
Gloria believes that at a soul level, we all have the ability to connect to those that have crossed over.
For some like herself, it comes very naturally. Gloria believes that many are chosen by Spirit to do this work professionally and share it with others. She feels blessed to be one of them. Sharing her gifts with others is her mission in life. It's what Gloria believes she was meant to do.
In 1996 Gloria founded Gloria’s Place Of Hope, Inc., a non-profit organization dedicated to saving children from around the world, suffering from congenital heart disease. Her own son was born with this devastating disease, and her life since then has been spent helping other children and their families in coping with this same issue. Some of her accomplishments and notoriety through her organization and charitable works include a featured article in People Magazine; being named Parent of the Month by Parents Magazine; an interview by Tom Brokaw on NBC Nightly News; The NYU Medical Center yearly Humanitarian Award; The Woman of the Year Award by Glamour Magazine; several appearances on The Rosie O’Donnell Show, where she received funds which enabled her to open her own Gloria’s Place Of Hope House, to house ill children from around the world, as they awaited surgery; and several appearances on Oprah Winfrey’s Oxygen, in interviews by Gayle King. Also, numerous local radio and television appearances. Over 244 children from 17 countries were saved through Gloria’s organization.
Gloria J. Weichand, Founder and Program Director of the Center, Spiritual Visionary, Grief Counselor, Spiritual Teacher, Lecturer and Author of her book "Little Signs From Heaven" and her very popular Angel Card Deck, "Choir of Angels." Both can be found and purchased on her web store at angelsamonguswebstore.com.
She is known and respected for her compassion and evidential messages from Spirit on an International level.
Gloria resides at the Jersey Shore with her husband Ralph.
For more information on Gloria please go to her website at griefmedum.org...
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- Tarot Workshop...A Journey of Discovery and Intuition with Susan SangiorgiThe Spirit Education Center and Sanctuary, LLC, Brick Township, NJ
Unlock the mysteries of the Tarot in this engaging, hands-on workshop designed for beginners and enthusiasts alike.
Over two immersive days, participants will explore the rich symbolism, structure, and intuitive art of Tarot Reading.
Throughout this two day workshop we will explore the structure of the 78 card Tarot deck, which include the Major and Minor Arcana.
Participants will focus on the symbolism contained in each card, which include suites, elements and numbers.
Attendees will practice individually and in groups, specifically designed exercises, encouraging them to use their own intuition to tap into each card and Tarot Spread.
By the end of this workshop, participants will have a deeper understanding and connection of the Tarot and all it has to offer.
Whether for personal insight or reading for others, this workshop empowers participants to connect with the Tarot as a powerful tool for reflection and guidance.
Materials required for this workshop include; Rider-Waite Smith Tarot Deck and a Notebook.
These can be purchased on Amazon…please follow the link below to purchase here.
https://www.amazon.com/Rider-Tarot-Arthur-Edward-Waite/dp/091386613X/ref=sr_1_2?crid=358HGNK6KLYJZ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.mj1ovcQnbR3Vacq98o9UNm8JNPhBwHMaL6NU0XWVdVEaZePQyFfMnHySMpT0jjVFw5bNGvi2rNAguBAzQ014nhkyWaC_R5JbhXnF-nZc4S00XsC6vj6PGMdPUkLXdtSSZoAd-0efJg7ESwZCS74Kv-C6igQJQMmpgbn8KbfSbshmPbIxMtjhML4ebSsFxOfkhuviMIjjzfv8PWHrzuFdGfW8jHWcHC7LPmJ20PzL3n5FQg1Gs41hqSfG-2s7UoyxP4OQmcAvohruIExgXu98PWOyTQCW4OZ-1oMWuK_VnUhOiiuquN4-Skjbp2I841dLRRksxo6QOOp6dZ9hdSdYBW4F3_dHmJDBycll63EwT8WbKaJikYaDnGY7OK1P_L7XXYeYnmxVl1MGU_KgmGb5OiLwRHfSeEptRnGLr-OKPh1upSN6ACcDU_dDE0lEZ3_U.JkYNtjI1KtznzYU1w1z1eM8ApECCYyfHBj-slmJOvQs&dib_tag=se&keywords=rider+waite+tarot+deck&qid=1736298961&sprefix=Rider%2Caps%2C76&sr=8-2Susan Sangiorgi, has been passionately reading Tarot and Oracle Cards for over 20 years. In addition to her extensive experience with card readings, she is also a Certified Reiki Master, dedicated to bringing God’s healing energy to those who need it.
Another passion of Susan’s is in her study of becoming a Spiritual Visionary, committed to deepening her connection with the spiritual realm, bringing comfort and peace to those grieving.
For Susan, Tarot is much more than just a collection of cards; it is a profound tool to awaken and nurture our intuition. She likes to think of Tarot as a form of Spiritual Therapy; an insightful guide that connects us to our inner world and helps us explore the depths of our soul.
Each card, with its rich symbolism and archetypal imagery, offers a unique lens through which we can gain clarity, uncover hidden truths, and approach challenges from fresh perspectives.
Through the practice of Tarot, we are empowered to embrace alternative viewpoints and uncover transformative solutions to the challenges we face in life. It is a journey of self-discovery, healing, and growth.
Susan approaches every reading with deep respect, compassion, and an open heart. Her mission is to provide you with meaningful guidance, a sense of clarity, and actionable insights that inspire confidence and direction in your life’s path. Whether you seek answers, understanding, or a moment of connection with your higher self, Susan’s goal is to hold space for you and offer support through every step of your journey.
The price for this workshop is $150.00 and is accepted at the door…
Please call 570-619-4067 to register and reserve your spot...
Space is limited...First Come First Serve...
Cash only please, which is accepted at the door...