What we’re about
Are you thinking about practicing yoga for the first time or after a long absence?
Do you wish to join a yoga class but a voice inside says, “I’m too . . . . . to think I can do yoga.”
This meetup group focuses on offering classes to:
* beginners of all ages
* people who sit all day
* people who think their current flexibility, age, gender, physical condition, trauma history, etc. disqualifies them from yoga
* people who think too much, work too much, or do anything else too much!
* people who have tried to meditate and found it damn near impossible!
* people who shy away from yoga because they mistakenly believe it involves twisting the body into a pretzel.
The yogi/sage Pantanjali who literally wrote the book on yoga, “The Yoga Sutras” in India over 2,000 years ago says in his very second sentence:
“The still-ing of the mind is yoga.” [1:2]
“Asana (the Sanskrit word for yoga pose) is a steady, comfortable posture that delights.” [2:46]
In fact, the simple cross-legged pose that we might do if we sit on our living room floor is called Sukhasana -- literally, “happy pose”.
So yoga is a practice that cultivates joy, concentration, mindfulness, body awareness, flexibility, health and serenity. Simply put, yoga is fun. It is not a sequence of masochistic exercises.
This does not mean we practice yoga half-heartedly. Quite the contrary. We bring body, breath, mental focus and magnanimous spirit to every asana. We are fully present . . . but without strain, tension, self-judgment or perfectionism.
Each class includes breath-work, postures, relaxation, meditation, and yogic wisdom. Modifications and enhancements to postures are suggested to accommodate individual needs. Beginners are encouraged to take their time and adapt slowly to the postures, resting as they deem appropriate for their bodies. Props such as blocks, straps, bolsters and blankets are available in studio both to assist and enhance yoga postures.
Come and enjoy an extraordinary personal experience of yoga in community. Join us on the mat where we will honor and empower your journey of personal growth, healing and well-being. You are worthy. Your body is a temple. The only time we have is now.
My name is Frank. I am a certified 200-hour Registered Yoga Teacher with the Yoga Alliance. I am experienced in working with men who have survived trauma and are thriving. I am a recovering workaholic / aka Type A personality. Through the blessings of yoga I have a personal practice that integrates health of my body with peace of mind and deepens my connection to That which Is. I am honored to share yoga with you. Namaste!
We practice in an air conditioned, newly carpeted yoga studio that exudes peace, in the heart of West Harford with plenty of free parking in the lot in front of our building.
Per Meetup guidelines, attendees under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a guardian.
We offer discounted first-class and 3-class card packs:
Upcoming events (2)
See all- Yoga for the New or Hesitant YogiSun Do Wellness, West Hartford, CT
We get it -- yoga can seem intimidating especially when you see photos of yogis with their heels behind their necks. Relax, in this class we cater to the new or hesitant yogi. The postures are simple with props available (think of training wheels on a bicycle) to make them easy to express. Simple but very nourishing. We believe yoga is 4 every body, not just for the young and naturally flexible.
Yoga is a way to get to know our bodies better, calm our ever-thinking minds and enjoy some inner peace. Treat yourself to 90 minutes self-care. Leave class refreshed and rejuvenated! Feel free to leave questions in the comments section or message me on meetup.
Class includes breath-work, postures, correct alignment, relaxation, meditation, and yogic wisdom. Modifications to postures are suggested to accommodate individual needs.
Our bodies are unique so beginners are encouraged to take their time and adapt slowly to the postures, resting as they deem appropriate for their bodies. Props such as chairs, blocks, straps, bolsters and blankets are available in studio to assist you.
Yoga is a practice that cultivates joy, concentration, mindfulness, body awareness, flexibility, health and serenity. Simply put, yoga is fun. It is not a sequence of masochistic exercises!
This does not mean we practice yoga haphazardly. Quite the contrary. We bring body, breath, mental focus and magnanimous spirit to every asana (posture.) We are fully present . . . but without strain, tension, self-judgment or perfectionism.
My name is Frank . I am a certified 200-hour Registered Yoga Teacher with the Yoga Alliance. I am experienced in working with men who have survived trauma and are thriving. I am a recovering workaholic / aka Type A personality. Through the blessings of yoga I have a personal practice that integrates health of my body with peace of mind and deepens my connection to That which Is. I am honored to share yoga with you. Namaste!
45 South Main Street, Suite 90 SunDo Wellness. Take stairs or elevator to lower level, Suite 90. Our beautiful, comfy, newly carpeted studio is the first room on the left. 45 South Main Street is across from Town Hall and left of Dunkin Donuts. Free parking for attendees in the lot in front of our building.
(Clear water only please, given our studio is beautifully carpeted.)
Per Meetup guidelines, attendees under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a guardian.
Payment Options and Schedule:
- Men's Yoga For New And Experienced YogisSun Do Wellness, West Hartford, CT
RSVP's close Saturday's at 6pm.
Why A Men’s Yoga Class?
Standard yoga classes may be a little intimidating for men because we are not reared to be physically flexible. Practicing yoga together allows men to be part of a team in a non-competitive way and this nourishes our ancient gravitation towards a tribe of warriors.
Working together towards common goals of increased flexibility, body awareness, health, inner peace, self-confidence, or spiritual development creates powerful motivational energy enabling us to reach new heights. Consider the drafting effect of a flock of wild geese or the magnified success ratio of two lions hunting together. The positive male vibes carry through our week enhancing our personal and work relationships and our sense of purpose/mission in life.
Benefits of Yoga:
-- > Increases flexibility
--> Improves posture
--> Tones muscles
--> Improves overall health and well-being
--> Reduces effects of stress
--> Promotes relaxation
-->Fosters peace of mind
--> Deepens spiritual connections
Through regular practice of yoga we improve our range of motion which complements our athletic performance in sports and reduces the likelihood of sports-related injuries.
More subtly, yoga enhances our body awareness and we become more attuned to our body’s signals for spontaneous stretching, posture corrections and rest and relaxation.
These benefits of yoga are available to everyone from the beginner to the more experienced practitioner.
What’s Special About Men’s Yoga?
Men generally tend to hold stress and tension in the shoulders and back, and are often tight in the hips, groin and hamstrings. So we focus on loosening muscles in these areas. Additionally we focus on standing postures, balance poses, and chest openers such as virabhadrasana --warrior -- to develop a confident, grounded stance and even mind to meet the many challenges the world throws at us.
Prolonged sitting at a computer is the new smoking because it weakens muscles, reduces energy levels and negatively impacts overall health. Hip flexors and erector spinae muscles tighten while abs, glutes and hamstrings weaken. This contributes to a hunched posture and lower back pain. To correct these imbalances, we incorporate simple core and glute exercises to strengthen the abs and bring greater definition to the glutes. We also include a variety of postures to stretch the hip flexors and lower back.
Energy flow can stagnate in the pelvic region, home of the prostate gland, causing prostate inflammation or abnormal growth, and consequent increased frequency of urination, weak ejaculation and cancer. To maintain or promote health of the prostate, we focus on energizing postures for the groin such as baddhakonasana, fixed angle pose. We also strengthen the pelvic floor muscles with kegel exercises which can help improve bladder control and possibly prolong erections and improve sexual performance.
Each class includes warm-ups, partner-assisted stretches and postures, breath-work, postures, relaxation, meditation, and yogic wisdom. Modifications and enhancements to postures are suggested to accommodate individual needs. Beginners are encouraged to take their time and adapt slowly to the postures. Props such as blocks, straps, bolsters and blankets are available in studio both to assist and enhance yoga postures.
We are committed to providing an extraordinary personal experience of yoga and community. Join us on the mat where we will honor and empower your journey of personal growth and well-being. The time is now. You are worthy. Come as you are. Your body is a temple. We look forward to your joining our brotherhood of yogis.
Please bring your own yoga mat.
Per Meetup guidelines, attendees under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a guardian.
As this is a men's-only class, it is clothing-optional to deepen the mind-body connection. We start in gym shorts or briefs and there is an opportunity to remain as such or de-brief as to your personal comfort.
Frank is a certified 200-hour Registered Yoga Teacher with the Yoga Alliance who is experienced in working with men who have survived trauma and are thriving.
Payment Options and Schedule: