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What we’re about

Our mission is to create an environment that helps to support and guide others in achieving and maintaining a healthier lifestyle.

To share with others the importance of the mind-body-spirit connection and how it relates to one's own success and growth.

Focusing on the laws of attraction to get in alignment with one's mindset in respect to their health and finances.

Together, Linda and Helen share their expertise as well as life experience to help others through lectures and interactive workshops to gain and maintain esoteric insights.

MIndset for Health and Wealth has 2 sister meetups -Law of Attraction Long Island and Law of Attraction NYC. LOA LI and MIndset has in-person meetings, while LOA NYC does Zoom. For additional information on these meetups an meeting updates, please go to their meetup groups to join.

Please note if you are attending a ZOOM meeting, a live video of you is a must. If there is not live feed from you, you will not be admitted into the ZOOM meeting. The in-person meetings are currently being held on Long Island. Locations can be subject to change at the last minute. Please check back on the day of the meetup to be sure of meetup location. There are also podcasts that are included for you to view any time you want!

It is essential to sign up for Organizer's Messages for updates on meetings and for new speaker presentations.

Linda Matthies
Published Author and recipient of Two Pinnacle Achievement Awards,
Certified Health & Life Coach, Certified Hypnotherapist, TCM Mastery Coach, TCM Transformational Coach, Reiki Master,
certified in MER and NLP, Published Author, Certificate of Completion Yale course, "The Science of Well Being," Certified EFT Tapping.

Certified Transformational Coach, International Speaker, Podcaster, Author, Writer, Reiki Practitioner, Mentor, BC Survivor.

Helen, Organizer
Linda, Co-Organizer